Archdiocese News

"When I disobeyed in ignorance thy fatherly glory, I wasted in iniquities the riches that thou gavest me. Wherefore, I cry to thee with the voice of the prodigal son, saying, I have sinned before thee, O compassionate Father, receive me repentant, and make me as one of thy hired servants."

Sunday of the Prodigal Son: A Reflection
"The Church gives us this holy time to 'come to ourselves' – to realize with humility that we are in the proverbial mud with the swine, to remember the grace-filled life of our Father's House and to hunger for the Bread of Life that is eaten therein. This is the time where we say to our Good Father: 'I will rise up and return to Thee crying: Make me as one of Thy hired servants.'"

The Parable of the Weeds, Part Two
"God will judge the corrupt in this world on the last day, but the Church will hold accountable the sinners within it to encourage them to repent while preserving its purity," Metropolitan Saba writes.

The First Three Sundays of the Triodion Season
A list of several useful resources to support families and church schools on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, and the Sunday of the Last Judgement.

Metropolitan Saba Announces Creation of Information Technology Department
The department will be responsible for strengthening IT security, supporting staff and volunteers, developing reliable infrastructure, and offering guidance to parishes.

Antiochian Women Board Encourages Formation of Lenten Psalter Groups
The national leadership of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Women of North America is encouraging Antiochian Women across the Archdiocese to create Lenten Psalter Groups that will unite around prayer and scripture, during the Great Fast.

St. Athanasius College Accepting Applications for Internships
The internships provide opportunities for collegians in the areas of servant leadership, event planning, hospitality, and non-profit management.

Schemamonk Paul Ordained to the Holy Diaconate and Priesthood at Balamand Monastery
Exhorted by Patriarch John X and commissioned by Metropolitan Saba, Fr. Paul will continue his work to open Life-giving Trinity Monastery in Grand Junction, Tenn.

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
Let us spend this week reminding ourselves that the spiritual work that lies ahead of us will only be fruitful and profitable if it is accompanied by asking mercy from God with sincere contrition and true repentance, and granting mercy to others from our whole hearts. As we refrain from fasting, let us cultivate that humility of the Publican to carry with us for our Lenten journey.

The Parable of the Weeds, Part One
"This teaches us, firstly, that evil and wicked people exist in the world. Believers should not be distressed by their presence in this life! They should rather have compassion for them because they need salvation," Metropolitan Saba writes.