Welcome to St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church.
Come and see, taste and breathe the ancient and ever new life in Christ with your brother and sister Christians at our parish family of St. George. Here you will find light, healing and warm hospitality. Our local parish is part of the North American branch of the Church of Antioch where the Lord's followers were first called Christians. (cf. Acts 11:26)
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Divine Liturgy Online
Our Sunday morning Divine Liturgys are livestreamed on our YouTube channel
Worship Schedule
Our schedule of services and upcoming events is available online
Thought for the Day
The comforts and grace of the Holy Spirit are not rewards but gifts of divine mercy. Occasionally the Lord allows us to get a foretaste of future blessings so that we will put forth a great effort in seeking His eternal Kingdom. – St. Innocent of Alaska
Today on the Liturgical Calendar
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
3rd Sunday of Luke, The Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas, Eroteis the Martyr of Cappadocia, Makarios the Righteous of Chios
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