Frequently Asked Questions

Weekly Worship

Saturday Great Vespers at 5:00 pm

Sunday Orthros (Matins) at 9:00 am

Sunday Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am


Frequently Asked Questions

Are your services in English?

Yes, but we support a very diverse community and will includes occasional bits in the languages of our parishioners in order to include everyone.

I am not Orthodox, am I allowed to be here?

Yes!  Everyone is welcome.  Take a bulletin, sit anywhere you like, use the service books in the pews and join us downstairs for coffee and fellowship!

Can I take communion?

The Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is reserved for Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves through fasting and repentance.  However holy bread offered after communion is blessed and available to everyone.  Often someone will offer holy bread to new visitors as a demonstration of hospitality and welcome.

What should I wear?

Wear clothes that show respect for the space that you're in.  Christian modesty should be your guiding principle, avoiding excessively revealing clothes or clothes with offensive wording or graphics.

Are children welcome?

Yes!  Children are welcome to join the services, move around within reason, sing and celebrate!  We enjoy children and love to see them experiencing the sights, smells and sounds of the Church.

I am interested in becoming Orthodox, or I have more questions

We invite you to speak to any of us before or after services or during coffee hour, speak to the priest, or reach us through our contact form.  There is additional information on this site about Orthodoxy or on our Archdiocesan website.  We look forward to supporting you on your journey!


Upcoming Schedule

Tuesday, March 25
Wednesday, March 26
6 pmPre-Sanctified
Friday, March 28
6 pmAkathist IV
Saturday, March 29
5 pmGreat Vespers
Sunday, March 30
Sunday of St John of the Ladder
9 amOrthos

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