Our Clergy and Staff
Our parish is led by a dynamic group of clergy and lay-people that brings the Orthodox Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ alive for our parish community and all those we encounter. We invite you to learn more about our the clearly and the people that support our parish.
Our Clergy and Pastoral Staff
The Right Reverend Bishop John

Fr. Ephraim Hastings
Cell: (617) 519-3966
Email: fatherephraim33@gmail.com
Fr. Ephraim was born in Princeton, New Jersey into a devout Christian family. He graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1989. His journey of faith led him to enter monastic life in the Roman Catholic Church at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. Subsequently he studied for the Latin Rite priesthood at University of St. Thomas in Rome, Italy earning two degrees including being licensed as a canon lawyer. In Duluth, Minnesota he led a parish and served as Chancellor for ten years.
After he left active ministry he and his future wife, Rheanna, began worshiping at her childhood parish Twelve Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox church in Duluth, Minnesota. With joyful gratitude and wonder at the mercy of Christ God he was chrismated and received into the Orthodox Church on December 21, 2015. In 2018 he, his wife and family took up residency in Brookline at Holy Cross School of Theology. While completing a specialized program of studies he, Rheanna and their four children (all boys!) went on a two week mission to the Orthodox Church in Nyeri, Kenya under the sponsorship of His grace Neofitios, Bishop of Nyeri and Mount Kenya. During his studies he also served as temporary parish administrator of Emmanuel Church, a Western rite parish of our diocese in Warren, MA. He was ordained into the Deaconate on March 5, 2022 and served at St. Michael's Antiochian church in Cotuit, MA. He was ordained into the Holy Priesthood on August 31, 2022. Both ordinations were by His Grace Bishop JOHN of the Diocese of Worcester and New England. He was appointed pastor of St. George's Antiochian Orthodox church at the Indiction of the New Church Year, September 1, 2022.
Our Parish Council
Brenda Sayers | Council President, Ladies of St. George |
Barbara Firth | Treasurer |
Nisrene Pelland | Church School Coordinator |
Real DesChenes | General Maintenance |
Amanda Samra Chagnon | Member |
Mary Howie | Member |
Frank Nackel | Member |
Eli Touma | Member |
Robert Haffty | Member |
Other Leaders
Matt Kraunelis | Stewardship Coordinator |
Maria Dela Cruz | Custodial help |