Our Patron Saint - Saint George

Holy Great-Martyr George, the Trophy-Bearer


The Antiochian Archdiocese has 47 St. George parishes! Hundreds -- if not thousands -- of churches, chapels and monasteries bear his name around the world. Countless people bear his name, too.

About St. George

St. George was born in Cappadocia the son of wealthy and virtuous parents. His father suffered for Christ and his mother then moved with her son to Palestine where she had farmland. When George grew up, he entered the military, where in his twentieth year, he attained the rank of a Tribune and was in the service of Emperor Diocletian. The most famous of George’s miracles are depicted in iconography. Near Mount Lebanon was a large lake, inhabited by an enormous dragon-like serpent. Coming out of the lake, it devoured people, and the breath from its nostrils poisoned the air. George rode up on his horse with spear in hand and signed himself with the Sign of the Cross. He rushed at the serpent saying, “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” George pierced the throat of the serpent with his spear and trampled it with his horse. Twenty-five thousand men, not counting women and children, were then baptized. The Empress Alexandra believed in Christ through George. Diocletian wanted paganism to be the state religion to unify his empire. Since George and Alexandra refused to offer sacrifices to idols and renounce the one true Faith, Diocletian had them both beheaded in 303. Though he was a talented officer who amazed the world by his military exploits, George is known as the Victory-bearer, or Trophy-bearer, not only for his military achievements, but for successfully enduring martyrdom.

The Feast of St. George is celebrated on April 23. 

Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone

As the deliverer of captives and the protector of the poor, as the physician of the feeble and combatant of kings, holy champion and great martyr George, intercede with Christ our God to save our souls.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

Thou hast been tilled by God, becoming an honored and pious husbandman. The sheaves of virtue thou hast gathered unto thyself, O George; for having sowed with tears thou didst reap with joy; and didst struggle unto blood, attaining Christ. Wherefore, by thine intercessions, O Saint, thou dost grant to all remission of sins.


Feast of the Holy Great-Martyr George from the Antiochian Archdiocese website, April 25, 2022: https://antiochian.org/regulararticle/311

Upcoming Schedule

Tuesday, March 25
Wednesday, March 26
6 pmPre-Sanctified
Friday, March 28
6 pmAkathist IV
Saturday, March 29
5 pmGreat Vespers
Sunday, March 30
Sunday of St John of the Ladder
9 amOrthos

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