Our Parish Ministries

We welcome you to learn about and consider joining some of our parish ministries. There are many great ways to get involved.

Parish Council

The Parish Council is composed of faithful men and women who are dedicated Orthodox Christians and who sacrifice their time, talents, and resources for the Church. We represent the parish, and seek to fulfill the mission ascribed to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Our current Council membership list is available on the Clergy and Staff page.

Youth Ministries

We believe that the Goal of Orthodox Christian Youth Ministry is the integration of each young person fully into the total life of the Church. We believe that Orthodox Christians must commit themselves to living the Orthodox Faith daily. Worship, Witness, Service and Fellowship are the natural expressions of that commitment.

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Ladies Guild

The purpose of the Ladies Guild is to develop among the women a spirit of Christian leadership, awareness, and commitment; to foster a genuine expression of love and service through works of charity; and to install a sense of fellowship and a deeper understanding of our Holy Orthodox Faith. We are a “Sisterhood Serving Christ Through Serving Others.”


We enjoy the opportunity to talk with each other and get to know our visitors, so we get together for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat after Sunday Divine Liturgy.  We share the responsibility of hosting coffee hour as an expression of commitment to our community and love for each other.  We welcome everyone - regulars and visitors alike! - to join us downstairs this Sunday.  Our current coffee hour schedule is here.


It is our faithful belief that being good stewards of our beloved parish will allow us to build a thriving, lively community.  We pledge to donate our time, talent and treasure to the work of God in our church, that he might use it for His glory and allow our church to prosper.  Read more about stewardship here.

Upcoming Schedule

Wednesday, February 19
11 amFuneral
Cataudella Funeral Home, 126 Pleasant Valley St, Methuen, MA 01844, USA
Friday, February 21
7 pmSt. George Choir Practice
Saturday, February 22
5 pmGreat Vespers
Sunday, February 23
9 amOrthos
10 amDivine Liturgy
11:30 amLadies Meeting

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