Our Current Projects

Food Pantry

We continue our Food Pantry project feeding the needy of our Lawrence community.  Each Wednesday volunteers from our church and the local community pick up food from the distribution location and bring it back to the church.  At points during the week the food is sorted, rice bagged into equal portions, and all of it organized into boxes for distribution  We provide a box of non-perishable food, and some fresh produce when available, to individuals and families in need of assistance.

Our Food Pantry is open on the first and third Sunday of every month beginning at 6:00 am.  We are currently serving upwards of 200 individuals and families.  If you would like to help with our Food Pantry project please see Fr. Ephraim.

We are very grateful for the generous support we receive through the Merrimack Valley Food Bank and the Russell and Stearns Benevolent Trusts, who help make this ministry possible.


Cookbook Sales

St. George’s Ladies Guild is pleased to offer two of its famous cookbooks: Best of Lent, and Gourmet Cooking from Syria & Lebanon. These recipes have been handed down from generation to generation, and we know that your family will also love them. Proceeds from our cookbook sales go to help our Ladies fund the projects they work on and support.

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Rectory Refresh

Our Rectory Refresh project is completed and the rectory looks beautiful.  In nearly six months the rectory was almost completely renovated and our new priest and his family are moved in an comfortable.  THANK YOU to all who lent their time and hard work to make this happen - it was not a small undertaking!  Thank you also to all who supported, and continue to support the funding for the project.  See pictures of the rectory here: Facebook Page.  God's blessings on you all!


Upcoming Schedule

Tuesday, March 25
Wednesday, March 26
6 pmPre-Sanctified
Friday, March 28
6 pmAkathist IV
Saturday, March 29
5 pmGreat Vespers
Sunday, March 30
Sunday of St John of the Ladder
9 amOrthos

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